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Hagmann, D., 2025. I walk an ancient road: A straightforward methodology for analyzing intra- and inter-regional connectivity systems along Roman Frontier Zones (c. 1st—5th century AD). Journal of Archaeological Science 176, 106151.
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Bosch, M.D., Pirson, S., Damblon, F., Jambrina-Enríquez, M., Mallol, C., Pryor, A., Murphree, W.C., Viola, B.T., Antl-Weiser, W., Nigst, P.R., 2025. A First Look at the Gravettian Open-Air Site Ollersdorf-Heidenberg (Austria): Recent Fieldwork and First Results on Stratigraphy, Chronology, Organic Preservation and Combustion Activity. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 8, 10.
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Schmid, V.C., Wadley, L., Brandl, M., Guillemard, I., Rhodes, S.E., Taipale, N., Witelson, D.M., Börner, M., Cnuts, D., Hodgskiss, T., Murungi, M., Nigst, P.R., Porraz, G., Puech, E., Rots, V., Stahlschmidt, M.C., Stelzer, S., Teyssandier, N., Tribolo, C., Val, A., van Schalkwyk, L., Archer, W., 2024. Renewed impetus for Stone Age research in the eastern Free State (South Africa) centred on Rose Cottage Cave. South African Archaeological Bulletin 79, 105.
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Gelabert P., Pinhasi R., 2025. First farmers of Central Europe do not show family-related inequality. Nature Human Behaviour.
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Waldhoer, T., Kirchengast, S., Yang, L., 2024. Effect of Month of Birth on Mean Birth Length in Austrian Newborns Born Between 1984 and 2021. American Journal of Human Biology 36, e24146.
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Weber, G.W., Šimková, P.G., Fernandes, D.M., Cheronet, O., Úry, E., Wilfing, H., Matiasek, K., Llano-Lizcano, A., Gelabert, P., Trinks, I., Douka, K., Ladstätter, S., Higham, T., Steskal, M., Pinhasi, R., 2025. The cranium from the Octagon in Ephesos. Scientific Reports 15, 943.
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Aydık, F., Ertuğrul, B., Windhager, S., Özener, B., 2024. Associations of Facial Shape With Physical Strength and 2D:4D in a Turkish Male and Female Sample. American Journal of Human Biology 36, e24155.
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Gelabert, P., Oberreiter, V., Straus, L.G., Morales, M.R.G., Sawyer, S., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Geiling, J.M., Exler, F., Brueck, F., Franz, S., Cano, F.T., Szedlacsek, S., Zelger, E., Hämmerle, M., Zagorc, B., Llanos-Lizcano, A., Cheronet, O., Tejero, J.-M., Rattei, T., Kraemer, S.M., Pinhasi, R., 2025. A sedimentary ancient DNA perspective on human and carnivore persistence through the Late Pleistocene in El Mirón Cave, Spain. Nature Communications 16, 107.
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Llanos-Lizcano, A., Hämmerle, M., Sperduti, A., Sawyer, S., Zagorc, B., Özdoğan, K. T., Guellil, M., Cheronet, O., Kuhlwilm, M., Pinhasi, R., & Gelabert, P. (2025). Intra-individual variability in ancient plasmodium DNA recovery highlights need for enhanced sampling. Scientific Reports, 15(1),
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Hämmerle, M., Guellil, M., Trgovec-Greif, L., Cheronet, O., Sawyer, S., Ruiz-Gartzia, I., Lizano, E., Rymbekova, A., Gelabert, P., Bernardi, P., Han, S., Rattei, T., Schuenemann, V.J., Marques-Bonet, T., Guschanski, K., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Pinhasi, R., Kuhlwilm, M., 2024. Screening great ape museum specimens for DNA viruses. Scientific Reports 14, 29806.
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Gelabert, P., Bickle, P., Hofmann, D., Teschler-Nicola, M., Anders, A., Huang, X., Hämmerle, M., Olalde, I., Fournier, R., Ringbauer, H., Akbari, A., Cheronet, O., Lazaridis, I., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Fernandes, D.M., Buttinger, K., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Bravo Morante, G., Curtis, E., Ferry, M., Keating, D., Freilich, S., Kearns, A., Harney, É., Lawson, A.M., Mandl, K., Michel, M., Oberreiter, V., Zagorc, B., Oppenheimer, J., Sawyer, S., Schattke, C., Özdoğan, K.T., Qiu, L., Workman, J.N., Zalzala, F., Mallick, S., Mah, M., Micco, A., Pieler, F., Pavuk, J., Šefčáková, A., Lazar, C., Starović, A., Djuric, M., Krznarić Škrivanko, M., Šlaus, M., Bedić, Ž., Novotny, F., D. Szabó, L., Cserpák-Laczi, O., Hága, T., Szolnoki, L., Hajdú, Z., Mirea, P., Nagy, E.G., Virág, Z.M., Horváth M, A., Horváth, L.A., T. Biró, K., Domboróczki, L., Szeniczey, T., Jakucs, J., Szelekovszky, M., Zoltán, F., Sztáncsuj, S.J., Tóth, K., Csengeri, P., Pap, I., Patay, R., Putica, A., Vasov, B., Havasi, B., Sebők, K., Raczky, P., Lovász, G., Tvrdý, Z., Rohland, N., Novak, M., Ruttkay, M., Krošláková, M., Bátora, J., Paluch, T., Borić, D., Dani, J., Kuhlwilm, M., Palamara, P.F., Hajdu, T., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., 2024. Social and genetic diversity in first farmers of central Europe. Nature Human Behaviour.
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Schauer, Michaela: Datenkontrolle, -aufbereitung und -auswertung portabler Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysen (p-RFA) mit dem Bruker Tracer 5i No 900F398 an silikatischem Material des Brandopferplatzes bei Farchant, Lkr. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 31. Juli 2024. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.536
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Sawyer, S., Gelabert, P., Yakir, B., Llanos-Lizcano, A., Sperduti, A., Bondioli, L., Cheronet, O., Neugebauer-Maresch, C., Teschler-Nicola, M., Novak, M., Pap, I., Szikossy, I., Hajdu, T., Moiseyev, V., Gromov, A., Zariņa, G., Meshorer, E., Carmel, L., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Improved detection of methylation in ancient DNA. Genome Biology 25, 261.
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Pigott, E.M., Uthmeier, T., Chabai, V., Higham, T.F.G., 2024. The Late Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Crimea (Ukraine)—A Review of the Neanderthal Refugium Hypothesis. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 7, 27.
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Grunstra, N.D.S., Hollinetz, F., Bravo Morante, G., Zachos, F.E., Pfaff, C., Winkler, V., Mitteroecker, P., Le Maître, A., 2024. Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear. Nature Communications 15, 7869.
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Slimak, L., Vimala, T., Seguin-Orlando, A., Metz, L., Zanolli, C., Joannes-Boyau, R., Frouin, M., Arnold, L.J., Demuro, M., Devièse, T., Comeskey, D., Buckley, M., Camus, H., Muth, X., Lewis, J.E., Bocherens, H., Yvorra, P., Tenailleau, C., Duployer, B., Coqueugniot, H., Dutour, O., Higham, T., Sikora, M., 2024. Long genetic and social isolation in Neanderthals before their extinction. Cell Genomics 4.
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Fornai, C., 2024. Anthropology meets Dentistry in Central America: Research and education in oralbiology. REVISTA ARGENTINA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA BIOLÓGICA 26.
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Moreno-Mayar, J.V., Sousa da Mota, B., Higham, T., Klemm, S., Gorman Edmunds, M., Stenderup, J., Iraeta-Orbegozo, M., Laborde, V., Heyer, E., Torres Hochstetter, F., Friess, M., Allentoft, M.E., Schroeder, H., Delaneau, O., Malaspinas, A.-S., 2024. Ancient Rapanui genomes reveal resilience and pre-European contact with the Americas. Nature.
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Oberreiter, V., Gelabert, P., Brück, F., Franz, S., Zelger, E., Szedlacsek, S., Cheronet, O., Cano, F.T., Exler, F., Zagorc, B., Karavanić, I., Banda, M., Gasparyan, B., Straus, L.G., Gonzalez Morales, M.R., Kappelman, J., Stahlschmidt, M., Rattei, T., Kraemer, S.M., Sawyer, S., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Maximizing efficiency in sedimentary ancient DNA analysis: a novel extract pooling approach. Scientific Reports 14, 19388.
Zagorc, B., Blanz, M., Gelabert, P., Sawyer, S., Oberreiter, V., Cheronet, O., Chen, H.S., Carić, M., Visković, E., Olalde, I., Ivanova-Bieg, M., Novak, M., Reich, D., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Late Antiquity in Dalmatia: Paleogenetic, Dietary, and Population Studies of the Hvar—Radošević burial site. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16, 150.
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Nigst, P.R., Antl-Weiser, W., Bosch, M.D., 2024. Exploring the Surrounding of a Gravettian Site. The Case Study Grub-Kranawetberg, Austria. Archaeologia Austriaca 108.
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Clark, J., Shipton, C., Moncel, M.-H., Nigst, P.R., Foley, R.A., 2024. When is a handaxe a planned-axe? exploring morphological variability in the Acheulean. PloS one 19, e0307081.
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Schaefer, K., Seiser, V.M., Prucha, S., Kerschbaumer, V., Fink, B., Windhager, S., 2024. Male facial cues to physical strength in Europe: Medium‐strength preference and higher aggressiveness attribution to the weakest. American journal of human biology, e24040.
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Horn, L., Windhager, S., Juricka, N., Bugnyar, T., Massen, J.J., Markova, G., 2024. Investigating the effects of prenatal testosterone exposure (via 2D: 4D) and socio-relational factors on 3–6-year-old preschoolers‘ prosocial choices. Early Human Development, 106055.
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Schaefer, K., Seidl-Berger, A., Windhager, S., 2024. Early developmental masculinization among boys: More prenatal testosterone action (assessed via 2D: 4D) renders their faces perceived as masculine but not pretty or cute. Early Human Development, 106071.
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Hagmann, D., Ankerl, B., Kirchengast, N., Cheronet, O., Greisinger, M., Miglbauer, R., Kirchengast, S., 2024. Double feature: First genetic evidence of a mother-daughter double burial in Roman period Austria. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55, more
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Tejero, J.-M., Cheronet, O., Gelabert, P., Zagorc, B., Álvarez-Fernández, E., Arias, P., Averbouh, A., Bar-Oz, G., Barzilai, O., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bosch, M.D., Brück, F., Cueto, M., Dockner, M., Fullola, J.M., Gárate, D., Giannakoulis, M., González, C., Jakeli, N., Mangado, X., Meshveliani, T., Neruda, P., Nigst, P., Ontañón, R., Shemer, M., Šimková, P.G., Tapia, J., Sánchez de la Torre, M., Schwab, C., Weber, G., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Cervidae antlers exploited to manufacture prehistoric tools and hunting implements as a reliable source of ancient DNA. Heliyon 10, e31858.
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Urban, C., Blom, A.A., Avanzi, C., Walker-Meikle, K., Warren, A.K., White-Iribhogbe, K., Turle, R., Marter, P., Dawson-Hobbis, H., Roffey, S., Inskip, S.A., Schuenemann, V.J., Ancient Mycobacterium leprae genome reveals medieval English red squirrels as animal leprosy host. Current Biology.
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Šimková, P.G., Wurm, L., Fornai, C., Krenn, V.A., Weber, G.W., 2024. Shape variation in modern human upper premolars. PloS one 19, e0301482.
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Hagmann, D., Ankerl, B., Kirchengast, N., Cheronet, O., Greisinger, M., Miglbauer, R., Kirchengast, S., 2024. Double feature: First genetic evidence of a mother-daughter double burial in Roman period Austria. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 55, 104479.
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Hämmerle, M., Rymbekova, A., Gelabert, P., Sawyer, S., Cheronet, O., Bernardi, P., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Kuhlwilm, M., Guellil, M., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Link between Monkeypox Virus Genomes from Museum Specimens and 1965 Zoo Outbreak. Emerging Infectious Disease journal 30, 815.
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Schauer, M., 2024. Coefficient corrections for portable X-ray fluorescence data of the Niton XL3t No. 97390 (coefcor I-IV) developed according to the Munich procedure. Data in Brief 53, 109914.
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Yeshurun, R., Doyon, L., Tejero, J.-M., Walter, R., Huber, H., Andrews, R., Kitagawa, K., 2024. Identification and quantification of projectile impact marks on bone: new experimental insights using osseous points. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16, 43.
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Baker, K.H., Miller, H., Doherty, S., Gray, H.W.I., Daujat, J., Çakırlar, C., Spassov, N., Trantalidou, K., Madgwick, R., Lamb, A.L., Ameen, C., Atici, L., Baker, P., Beglane, F., Benkert, H., Bendrey, R., Binois-Roman, A., Carden, R.F., Curci, A., De Cupere, B., Detry, C., Gál, E., Genies, C., Kunst, G.K., Liddiard, R., Nicholson, R., Perdikaris, S., Peters, J., Pigière, F., Pluskowski, A.G., Sadler, P., Sicard, S., Strid, L., Sudds, J., Symmons, R., Tardio, K., Valenzuela, A., van Veen, M., Vuković, S., Weinstock, J., Wilkens, B., Wilson, R.J.A., Evans, J.A., Hoelzel, A.R., Sykes, N., 2024. The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2310051121.
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Margaret L Antonio, Clemens L Weiß, Ziyue Gao, Susanna Sawyer, Victoria Oberreiter, Hannah M Moots, Jeffrey P Spence, Olivia Cheronet, Brina Zagorc, Elisa Praxmarer, Kadir Toykan Özdoğan, Lea Demetz, Pere Gelabert, Daniel Fernandes, Michaela Lucci, Timka Alihodžić, Selma Amrani, Pavel Avetisyan, Christèle Baillif-Ducros, Željka Bedić, Audrey Bertrand, Maja Bilić, Luca Bondioli, Paulina Borówka, Emmanuel Botte, Josip Burmaz, Domagoj Bužanić, Francesca Candilio, Mirna Cvetko, Daniela De Angelis, Ivan Drnić, Kristián Elschek, Mounir Fantar, Andrej Gaspari, Gabriella Gasperetti, Francesco Genchi, Snežana Golubović, Zuzana Hukeľová, Rimantas Jankauskas, Kristina Jelinčić Vučković, Gordana Jeremić, Iva Kaić, Kevin Kazek, Hamazasp Khachatryan, Anahit Khudaverdyan, Sylvia Kirchengast, Miomir Korać, Valérie Kozlowski, Mária Krošláková, Dora Kušan Špalj, Francesco La Pastina, Marie Laguardia, Sandra Legrand, Tino Leleković, Tamara Leskovar, Wiesław Lorkiewicz, Dženi Los, Ana Maria Silva, Rene Masaryk, Vinka Matijević, Yahia Mehdi Seddik Cherifi, Nicolas Meyer, Ilija Mikić, Nataša Miladinović-Radmilović, Branka Milošević Zakić, Lina Nacouzi, Magdalena Natuniewicz-Sekuła, Alessia Nava, Christine Neugebauer-Maresch, Jan Nováček, Anna Osterholtz, Julianne Paige, Lujana Paraman, Dominique Pieri, Karol Pieta, Stefan Pop-Lazić, Matej Ruttkay, Mirjana Sanader, Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, Alessandra Sperduti, Tijana Stankovic Pesterac, Maria Teschler-Nicola, Iwona Teul, Domagoj Tončinić, Julien Trapp, Dragana Vulović, Tomasz Waliszewski, Diethard Walter, Miloš Živanović, Mohamed el Mostefa Filah, Morana Čaušević-Bully, Mario Šlaus, Dušan Borić, Mario Novak, Alfredo Coppa, Ron Pinhasi, Jonathan K Pritchard (2024) Stable population structure in Europe since the Iron Age, despite high mobility eLife 13:e79714
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Kerttu Majander, Marta Pla-Díaz, Louis du Plessis, Natasha Arora, Jose Filippini, Luis Pezo-Lanfranco, Sabine Eggers, Fernando González-Candelas, Verena J. Schuenemann, (2024). Redefining the treponemal history throughpre-Columbian genomes from Brazil, Nature
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Mas, B., Mangado, X., de la Torre, M.S., Tejero, J.-M., Fullola, J.M., Allué, E., 2023. Late Paleolithic hunter-gatherers’ resilience in the face of the transformation of the vegetation landscape and climate change in the Pre-Pyrenees. Quaternary Science Reviews 317, 108276.
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Hagmann, D., Ankerl, B., Greisinger, M., Miglbauer, R., Kirchengast, S., 2023. Where are the Roman women of Ovilava? A spatio-temporal approach to interpret the female deficit at the eastern Roman cemetery (Gräberfeld Ost) of Ovilava, Austria. Anthropological Review 86, 89-118.
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Krenn-Leeb, A., Supper, R., Ottowitz, D., Jochum, B., Preiner, A., Weßling, R., Jetzinger, D., 2023. A swamp as an obstacle to approach–archaeological and geoelectrical investigations on the Early Bronze Age fortification of Ratzersdorf, Lower Austria, Advances in On-and Offshore Archaeological Prospection: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, pp. 159-162.
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Sørensen, E.F., Harris, R.A., Zhang, L., Raveendran, M., Kuderna, L.F.K., Walker, J.A., Storer, J.M., Kuhlwilm, M., Fontsere, C., Seshadri, L., Bergey, C.M., Burrell, A.S., Bergman, J., Phillips-Conroy, J.E., Shiferaw, F., Chiou, K.L., Chuma, I.S., Keyyu, J.D., Fischer, J., Gingras, M.-C., Salvi, S., Doddapaneni, H., Schierup, M.H., Batzer, M.A., Jolly, C.J., Knauf, S., Zinner, D., Farh, K.K.-H., Marques-Bonet, T., Munch, K., Roos, C., Rogers, J., 2023. Genome-wide coancestry reveals details of ancient and recent male-driven reticulation in baboons. Science 380, eabn8153.
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Lazaridis, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A., Açıkkol, A., Agelarakis, A., Aghikyan, L., Akyüz, U., Andreeva, D., Andrijašević, G., Antonović, D., Armit, I., Atmaca, A., Avetisyan, P., Aytek, A.İ., Bacvarov, K., Badalyan, R., Bakardzhiev, S., Balen, J., Bejko, L., Bernardos, R., Bertsatos, A., Biber, H., Bilir, A., Bodružić, M., Bonogofsky, M., Bonsall, C., Borić, D., Borovinić, N., Bravo Morante, G., Buttinger, K., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Carić, M., Cheronet, O., Chohadzhiev, S., Chovalopoulou, M.-E., Chryssoulaki, S., Ciobanu, I., Čondić, N., Constantinescu, M., Cristiani, E., Culleton, B.J., Curtis, E., Davis, J., Demcenco, T.I., Dergachev, V., Derin, Z., Deskaj, S., Devejyan, S., Djordjević, V., Duffett Carlson, K.S., Eccles, L.R., Elenski, N., Engin, A., Erdoğan, N., Erir-Pazarcı, S., Fernandes, D.M., Ferry, M., Freilich, S., Frînculeasa, A., Galaty, M.L., Gamarra, B., Gasparyan, B., Gaydarska, B., Genç, E., Gültekin, T., Gündüz, S., Hajdu, T., Heyd, V., Hobosyan, S., Hovhannisyan, N., Iliev, I., Iliev, L., Iliev, S., İvgin, İ., Janković, I., Jovanova, L., Karkanas, P., Kavaz-Kındığılı, B., Kaya, E.H., Keating, D., Kennett, D.J., Deniz Kesici, S., Khudaverdyan, A., Kiss, K., Kılıç, S., Klostermann, P., Kostak Boca Negra Valdes, S., Kovačević, S., Krenz-Niedbała, M., Krznarić Škrivanko, M., Kurti, R., Kuzman, P., Lawson, A.M., Lazar, C., Leshtakov, K., Levy, T.E., Liritzis, I., Lorentz, K.O., Łukasik, S., Mah, M., Mallick, S., Mandl, K., Martirosyan-Olshansky, K., Matthews, R., Matthews, W., McSweeney, K., Melikyan, V., Micco, A., Michel, M., Milašinović, L., Mittnik, A., Monge, J.M., Nekhrizov, G., Nicholls, R., Nikitin, A.G., Nikolov, V., Novak, M., Olalde, I., Oppenheimer, J., Osterholtz, A., Özdemir, C., Özdoğan, K.T., Öztürk, N., Papadimitriou, N., Papakonstantinou, N., Papathanasiou, A., Paraman, L., Paskary, E.G., Patterson, N., Petrakiev, I., Petrosyan, L., Petrova, V., Philippa-Touchais, A., Piliposyan, A., Pocuca Kuzman, N., Potrebica, H., Preda-Bălănică, B., Premužić, Z., Price, T.D., Qiu, L., Radović, S., Raeuf Aziz, K., Rajić Šikanjić, P., Rasheed Raheem, K., Razumov, S., Richardson, A., Roodenberg, J., Ruka, R., Russeva, V., Şahin, M., Şarbak, A., Savaş, E., Schattke, C., Schepartz, L., Selçuk, T., Sevim-Erol, A., Shamoon-Pour, M., Shephard, H.M., Sideris, A., Simalcsik, A., Simonyan, H., Sinika, V., Sirak, K., Sirbu, G., Šlaus, M., Soficaru, A., Söğüt, B., Sołtysiak, A., Sönmez-Sözer, Ç., Stathi, M., Steskal, M., Stewardson, K., Stocker, S., Suata-Alpaslan, F., Suvorov, A., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Szeniczey, T., Telnov, N., Temov, S., Todorova, N., Tota, U., Touchais, G., Triantaphyllou, S., Türker, A., Ugarković, M., Valchev, T., Veljanovska, F., Videvski, Z., Virag, C., Wagner, A., Walsh, S., Włodarczak, P., Workman, J.N., Yardumian, A., Yarovoy, E., Yavuz, A.Y., Yılmaz, H., Zalzala, F., Zettl, A., Zhang, Z., Çavuşoğlu, R., Rohland, N., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., 2022. Ancient DNA from Mesopotamia suggests distinct Pre-Pottery and Pottery Neolithic migrations into Anatolia. Science 377, 982-987.
Lazaridis, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A., Açıkkol, A., Agelarakis, A., Aghikyan, L., Akyüz, U., Andreeva, D., Andrijašević, G., Antonović, D., Armit, I., Atmaca, A., Avetisyan, P., Aytek, A.İ., Bacvarov, K., Badalyan, R., Bakardzhiev, S., Balen, J., Bejko, L., Bernardos, R., Bertsatos, A., Biber, H., Bilir, A., Bodružić, M., Bonogofsky, M., Bonsall, C., Borić, D., Borovinić, N., Bravo Morante, G., Buttinger, K., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Carić, M., Cheronet, O., Chohadzhiev, S., Chovalopoulou, M.-E., Chryssoulaki, S., Ciobanu, I., Čondić, N., Constantinescu, M., Cristiani, E., Culleton, B.J., Curtis, E., Davis, J., Demcenco, T.I., Dergachev, V., Derin, Z., Deskaj, S., Devejyan, S., Djordjević, V., Duffett Carlson, K.S., Eccles, L.R., Elenski, N., Engin, A., Erdoğan, N., Erir-Pazarcı, S., Fernandes, D.M., Ferry, M., Freilich, S., Frînculeasa, A., Galaty, M.L., Gamarra, B., Gasparyan, B., Gaydarska, B., Genç, E., Gültekin, T., Gündüz, S., Hajdu, T., Heyd, V., Hobosyan, S., Hovhannisyan, N., Iliev, I., Iliev, L., Iliev, S., İvgin, İ., Janković, I., Jovanova, L., Karkanas, P., Kavaz-Kındığılı, B., Kaya, E.H., Keating, D., Kennett, D.J., Deniz Kesici, S., Khudaverdyan, A., Kiss, K., Kılıç, S., Klostermann, P., Kostak Boca Negra Valdes, S., Kovačević, S., Krenz-Niedbała, M., Krznarić Škrivanko, M., Kurti, R., Kuzman, P., Lawson, A.M., Lazar, C., Leshtakov, K., Levy, T.E., Liritzis, I., Lorentz, K.O., Łukasik, S., Mah, M., Mallick, S., Mandl, K., Martirosyan-Olshansky, K., Matthews, R., Matthews, W., McSweeney, K., Melikyan, V., Micco, A., Michel, M., Milašinović, L., Mittnik, A., Monge, J.M., Nekhrizov, G., Nicholls, R., Nikitin, A.G., Nikolov, V., Novak, M., Olalde, I., Oppenheimer, J., Osterholtz, A., Özdemir, C., Özdoğan, K.T., Öztürk, N., Papadimitriou, N., Papakonstantinou, N., Papathanasiou, A., Paraman, L., Paskary, E.G., Patterson, N., Petrakiev, I., Petrosyan, L., Petrova, V., Philippa-Touchais, A., Piliposyan, A., Pocuca Kuzman, N., Potrebica, H., Preda-Bălănică, B., Premužić, Z., Price, T.D., Qiu, L., Radović, S., Raeuf Aziz, K., Rajić Šikanjić, P., Rasheed Raheem, K., Razumov, S., Richardson, A., Roodenberg, J., Ruka, R., Russeva, V., Şahin, M., Şarbak, A., Savaş, E., Schattke, C., Schepartz, L., Selçuk, T., Sevim-Erol, A., Shamoon-Pour, M., Shephard, H.M., Sideris, A., Simalcsik, A., Simonyan, H., Sinika, V., Sirak, K., Sirbu, G., Šlaus, M., Soficaru, A., Söğüt, B., Sołtysiak, A., Sönmez-Sözer, Ç., Stathi, M., Steskal, M., Stewardson, K., Stocker, S., Suata-Alpaslan, F., Suvorov, A., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Szeniczey, T., Telnov, N., Temov, S., Todorova, N., Tota, U., Touchais, G., Triantaphyllou, S., Türker, A., Ugarković, M., Valchev, T., Veljanovska, F., Videvski, Z., Virag, C., Wagner, A., Walsh, S., Włodarczak, P., Workman, J.N., Yardumian, A., Yarovoy, E., Yavuz, A.Y., Yılmaz, H., Zalzala, F., Zettl, A., Zhang, Z., Çavuşoğlu, R., Rohland, N., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., 2022. A genetic probe into the ancient and medieval history of Southern Europe and West Asia. Science 377, 940-951.
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Lazaridis, I., Alpaslan-Roodenberg, S., Acar, A., Açıkkol, A., Agelarakis, A., Aghikyan, L., Akyüz, U., Andreeva, D., Andrijašević, G., Antonović, D., Armit, I., Atmaca, A., Avetisyan, P., Aytek, A.İ., Bacvarov, K., Badalyan, R., Bakardzhiev, S., Balen, J., Bejko, L., Bernardos, R., Bertsatos, A., Biber, H., Bilir, A., Bodružić, M., Bonogofsky, M., Bonsall, C., Borić, D., Borovinić, N., Bravo Morante, G., Buttinger, K., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Carić, M., Cheronet, O., Chohadzhiev, S., Chovalopoulou, M.-E., Chryssoulaki, S., Ciobanu, I., Čondić, N., Constantinescu, M., Cristiani, E., Culleton, B.J., Curtis, E., Davis, J., Demcenco, T.I., Dergachev, V., Derin, Z., Deskaj, S., Devejyan, S., Djordjević, V., Duffett Carlson, K.S., Eccles, L.R., Elenski, N., Engin, A., Erdoğan, N., Erir-Pazarcı, S., Fernandes, D.M., Ferry, M., Freilich, S., Frînculeasa, A., Galaty, M.L., Gamarra, B., Gasparyan, B., Gaydarska, B., Genç, E., Gültekin, T., Gündüz, S., Hajdu, T., Heyd, V., Hobosyan, S., Hovhannisyan, N., Iliev, I., Iliev, L., Iliev, S., İvgin, İ., Janković, I., Jovanova, L., Karkanas, P., Kavaz-Kındığılı, B., Kaya, E.H., Keating, D., Kennett, D.J., Deniz Kesici, S., Khudaverdyan, A., Kiss, K., Kılıç, S., Klostermann, P., Kostak Boca Negra Valdes, S., Kovačević, S., Krenz-Niedbała, M., Krznarić Škrivanko, M., Kurti, R., Kuzman, P., Lawson, A.M., Lazar, C., Leshtakov, K., Levy, T.E., Liritzis, I., Lorentz, K.O., Łukasik, S., Mah, M., Mallick, S., Mandl, K., Martirosyan-Olshansky, K., Matthews, R., Matthews, W., McSweeney, K., Melikyan, V., Micco, A., Michel, M., Milašinović, L., Mittnik, A., Monge, J.M., Nekhrizov, G., Nicholls, R., Nikitin, A.G., Nikolov, V., Novak, M., Olalde, I., Oppenheimer, J., Osterholtz, A., Özdemir, C., Özdoğan, K.T., Öztürk, N., Papadimitriou, N., Papakonstantinou, N., Papathanasiou, A., Paraman, L., Paskary, E.G., Patterson, N., Petrakiev, I., Petrosyan, L., Petrova, V., Philippa-Touchais, A., Piliposyan, A., Pocuca Kuzman, N., Potrebica, H., Preda-Bălănică, B., Premužić, Z., Price, T.D., Qiu, L., Radović, S., Raeuf Aziz, K., Rajić Šikanjić, P., Rasheed Raheem, K., Razumov, S., Richardson, A., Roodenberg, J., Ruka, R., Russeva, V., Şahin, M., Şarbak, A., Savaş, E., Schattke, C., Schepartz, L., Selçuk, T., Sevim-Erol, A., Shamoon-Pour, M., Shephard, H.M., Sideris, A., Simalcsik, A., Simonyan, H., Sinika, V., Sirak, K., Sirbu, G., Šlaus, M., Soficaru, A., Söğüt, B., Sołtysiak, A., Sönmez-Sözer, Ç., Stathi, M., Steskal, M., Stewardson, K., Stocker, S., Suata-Alpaslan, F., Suvorov, A., Szécsényi-Nagy, A., Szeniczey, T., Telnov, N., Temov, S., Todorova, N., Tota, U., Touchais, G., Triantaphyllou, S., Türker, A., Ugarković, M., Valchev, T., Veljanovska, F., Videvski, Z., Virag, C., Wagner, A., Walsh, S., Włodarczak, P., Workman, J.N., Yardumian, A., Yarovoy, E., Yavuz, A.Y., Yılmaz, H., Zalzala, F., Zettl, A., Zhang, Z., Çavuşoğlu, R., Rohland, N., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., 2022. The genetic history of the Southern Arc: A bridge between West Asia and Europe. Science 377, eabm4247.
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Duffett Carlson, K.S., Mandl, K., McCall, A., Brönnimann, D., Teschler-Nicola, M., Weiss-Krejci, E., Metscher, B., 2022. 3D visualization of bioerosion in archaeological bone. Journal of Archaeological Science 145, 105646.
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